
筆記 - 研究生完全求生手冊:方法、秘訣、潛規則 (彭明輝 著) (2024.10.05 更新)

在網路上也有拜讀過彭明輝老師關於研究生技巧的一些文章,後來在家裡發現原來已有該書可讀,於是開始找到比較直觀重要可用的部分並做了網路筆記。 研究生完全求生手冊:方法、秘訣、潛規則 (彭明輝 著) (2022年3月初版第十五刷) 不過現在AI工具發達,像是 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT、Google 的 Gemini、Saikiran Chandha 開發的 等等都是現在讀論文可以使用到的的工具 (我就會使用到其中一些)。本書目前沒看到這部分的描述~ - - - 筆記開始 - - - 第六章:告別大學時代-期刊論文的閱讀技巧 「自修能力的養成,就是教育的終點」-一位著名的教育家曾說。 理工學院和其他計量學科的論文有頁數限制:short papers 通常不超過三頁;regular papers 通常不超過六頁,因此可能太精簡不好讀 論文是寫給圈內專家讀的,因此不像一般書本那樣有清楚說明的知識自足 (self-contained),所以有另外的方法讀。 策略與要領: 以「問題為中心」,不是以一篇論文為中心,而是去讀一次讀懂整批文件 讀的目的為尋找創新與突破 尚未決定題目前,只需掌握全局概況、各研究子題之相互關聯-「見林不見樹」 閱讀期刊論文方法: (1) 拿到一篇論文,先粗略瀏覽,研判自己欠缺的背景知識、那些知識所屬的學術分支、背後的各種相關文獻與書籍。 (2) 再這些文獻與書籍中找出與該論文密切相關的章節、頁次、段落,跳過不相關部分。 (3) 將這些材料做閱讀次序上由淺到深的安排,以最省、省力的方式去掌握。 (4) 補完背景知識,再來讀原本的那篇論文。 螺旋式讀法: (1) 先讀一次論文,只讀論文題目、摘要、引言,再根據關鍵字去網頁或維基百科上讀。 (2) 再讀一次,之後找更深的網頁、專文、易讀的教科書。 (3) 第三次,找出與該論文密切相關材料 (章節、頁次、段落...) 來做閱讀 (讀懂度:10%)。 (4) 第四次,把參考文獻都拿來大致瀏覽 (讀懂度:30 ~ 40%)。 (5) 第五次 (讀懂度:80%),大概已精確了解到自己不懂的部分,再去補齊 (可能自己可以分析、理解、推理) 。 第一次讀論文時的問題及回答需要聚焦: (1) 這篇論文想解決什麼問題?最適合描述這問題的術語? (2) 學術界如何稱呼該論文所使用的方法? (3) 前述的...

Me After COVID-19 Vaccination 疫苗筆記 (2022.02.18 Updated)


Due to the COVID-19, I went to inject Oxford-AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine, which is the first dose for me, in the clinic with my mom today. After the vaccination at about 15:30, I was told to wait for 15 minutes to observe there was a discomfort by the nurses. I also told my mom to wait outside for preventing gathering, because there were lots of people in the clinic. After a few minutes, I got a COVID-19 Vaccination Record. About 15 minutes later, we go to the nearby pharmacy to buy some Panadol (普拿疼) caplets. When the side effects come, it could treat fever and pain.

Why I choose AZ? For me, I could choose inoculate Medigen (高端) vaccine few weeks ago, but I am not sure if Medigen vaccinated people could successfully entry other countries. In my opinion, the AZ vaccinated people could have more chance to entry other countries.

There are some brands of vaccine could be inoculated in Taiwan, like AZ, Pfizer–BioNTech (BNT), Medigen, Moderna (莫德納). Maybe we could get United Biomedical (聯亞) vaccines in the future.

By the way, it was such a long time that I had been never met so many people whose age are like me. After serving in the military, I have been stayed many companies, and most of my colleagues are many years older than me. From almost two years ago, I've started as a remote worker, so there is also less chance to meet other people physically.

As a remote worker, I could stay in everywhere having Wi-Fi, power sockets and tables, like coffee shop. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, all coffee shops in my living area are only could let consumer to take out. So, now I've been work from home (WFH) for many months.

Still observe the side effects of vaccine on me...( ⊙_⊙)

After going to bed yesterday, I felt I have a fever. Today, my temperature still a lit bit high. I also feel hot, fatigue, and don't have much stamina now...

On Sep 13, I only felt a lit bit high temperature of my head, and after measuring by thermometer, my temperature was about 37°C+.

The side effect had remained for about two days, and almost one week, the injection point on arm was  sore.

I got second dose (AZ) in this day, and just felt my arm a little bit sore afterward. No other side effects.

Got third (boost) dose today, the brand is Moderna. As before, my arm is sore.

I've also applied for Taiwan's digital COVID-19 certificate, EU Digital COVID Certificate and put it in my app Yourwallet. I prefered to save some certificates and loyal cards as images in my phone, but now I could just simply integrate in the app ^^

BTW, I found the vaccine name of AZ is called Vaxzevria now.



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