
目前顯示的是 12月, 2020的文章



最近做了健康檢查,以下是快速筆記: 繳交糞檢 尿檢 血液 (裝成三瓶) 心臟 (貼至少十個貼片,然後分別連接上管子) X光 (正面、側面) 肛門 身高和體重、體脂肪和骨頭密度等等、視力、辨色力、眼壓 照胃鏡前 (右手注射葡萄糖並留著注射器、喝胃乳、嘴巴噴麻藥兩次:一次先吞下去、之後含一下吞下去、側躺在闖上戴上呼吸器、右手注射麻藥時痛痛的)

Wanna go to see the Taipei Music Center!!

One day, I took the metro from Taipei City Hall Station, but took the wrong side and arrived in Nangang (南港). It's fine for me because I could go to see the Taipei Music Center! At that time, I also had to meet my new friend in Taipei Main Station, so didn't go to the music center in the end. (The music center is too far to go inside and look around...) I took the train from Nangang to Taipei Main Station. We met near the M8 exit and do some language exchanging in Yoshinoya restaurant (I taught him Chinese and he taught me Korean, haha!)


大概七月多購票,終於在十一月多的時候收到退款~ 等了四個多月,這外國購票網站終於退費... 期間 我還去了消費爭議協調會 ,不過對方缺席,協調於是失敗... 由於當時候是使用信用卡刷繳~ 退款後我詢問信用卡公司的客服人員,他說會把它挪到信用卡可扣抵的額度 我當時候想要申請把這款項移至帳戶裡頭,印象中他沒有讓我這麼做 (頗雷) 但是我在打這通客服電話前後都查了很多次,網路上有相關資訊是寫說可以這麼做 後來又再度找客服,這次另一位客服人員就幫我成功移轉了! 後記: 要成功進到真人的電話客服,可不容易啊! 途中有重重如迷宮般地的電話按鍵要依序按@@ (找線上客服則較為方便,但有些狀況他還是會直接找真人打電話給你...@@)