
目前顯示的是 10月, 2020的文章



最近做了健康檢查,以下是快速筆記: 繳交糞檢 尿檢 血液 (裝成三瓶) 心臟 (貼至少十個貼片,然後分別連接上管子) X光 (正面、側面) 肛門 身高和體重、體脂肪和骨頭密度等等、視力、辨色力、眼壓 照胃鏡前 (右手注射葡萄糖並留著注射器、喝胃乳、嘴巴噴麻藥兩次:一次先吞下去、之後含一下吞下去、側躺在闖上戴上呼吸器、右手注射麻藥時痛痛的)


 (電視) 廣告的強大及可怕之處在於:給你看到眾多同類產品裡的冰山一角,而明明冰山之下有那麼多可以替代甚至更好的商品,你卻以為那效果真如同視覺所呈現的那樣並只想購買該物品。 我自己從小就是電視兒童,有好長一對時間對電視廣告的想法就是它廣告什麼,我就會覺得:「原來那東西這麼好用啊」,並只對那個東西抱有購買之感。 What you see or listen in a (TV) commercial or an advertisement, is just the iceberg tip of that kind of products. The alternatives or better ones are still beneath the see, but you merely know the one showed to you, thinking: "Wow! How effective of the product." I was a TV kid before, and realized this thing recently...

我在育X學到的東西...(2023.03.20 更新)

我是於99年 (2010年) 畢業於育X補習班的學生,在大學時也回到那兒打了一陣子的工。 看過小乖 (橘白相間的吉娃娃) 和多多 (紅貴賓) 這兩隻狗狗。 大約國二還國三時,經歷了他們的分部從X音大樓搬到久X大樓那邊。 老實說我不喜歡被強迫補習 (我自己的時間 + 與家人相處時間,全都銳減)。當時也不太喜歡去這裡補習 (補了三年數學 + 一陣子的其他科目,但也認識了不少同學)。 學生時期的班導-林老師對我還不錯;打工時期的班導也對我不錯,還請了我和其他助教吃了鼎泰豐。  (謝謝他們的栽培與所有教過我的老師之教導!) 補習時期,仍然有些東西我從這邊獲得: 同學間自己改答案,不用都老師改。這讓同學自己練習改,也省下老師時間 考卷黏貼於本子上時為了不超出本子頁面的幾種把考卷折起的技巧 考卷背面如果有空白,可以直接折起,這樣在正面寫題目時就有空間可以計算了 從小一直被用紅筆不吉利的觀念影響,但到這邊改考卷時都用紅筆簽名,後來也破除迷思了... 詢問時要以「請問」開頭 (現在有時候雖然覺得麻煩,但我如果自己作為聽者,聽到別人這樣禮貌地說後,真的會比較願意回答他的問題) 打工時期: 剛來打工時,學生時期的班導林老師對我說:「用完的東西記得歸到原位」,這句話影響我很深 擦黑板每直行都只由上到下擦,較乾淨 將大量的學生作業本做快速發下去的排序 (有時還在本子上寫名字或代號) 寫廁所清潔檢查表 像我是被逼去補習班的... 但長大後發現人生其實還有很多事情可以趁當時去體驗的~ 而補習只是一種選擇,並不是唯一 (希望父母親們可以體會) 最後還是要奉勸各位,請享受生活,把握青春並好好使用時間!

Work as a photography assistant & Uncle Laymen & Xinyi Shopping District & 南方漁場

2020.10.08, I work as a photography assistant in the building of Importers & Exporters Association of Taipei (IEAT) (台北市進出口商業同業公會). The photography is a new working field for me. I feel inadequate in this field. Must learn more domain knowledge! When finishing the job, I went to Uncle Laymen (雷蒙叔叔) for dinner. Bruce Lee & ... Bruce Lee & 5 para el infierno & ... Audrey Hepburn The Godfather & Michael Jackson Uncle Laymen!! Courage the Cowardly Dog (膽小狗英雄) Beatles Xingtian Temple (行天宮) Few days ago, I also worked at the Taiwan Bubble Tea Forum in TICC. After the forum is end, I walked through the Xinyi Shopping District. This day, my goal is Nán Fāng Yú Chǎng (南方漁場), the restaurant provides Japanese cuisine. I like their food very much, especially the miso soup. Since over a year ago, I still have highly recommend the miso soup!

Chinese Moon Festival Note 烤肉筆記 (Update 2021.12.27)

2020/10/1 & 10/2 → My family chose these days for BBQ. Last year, I went to Tokyo with my family member, so we didn't attend the annual BBQ party. What a shame! This year, I found the mini handheld fan (手持風扇) is more useful than the paper fan when we start to make the fire, and the lengthened lighter (長嘴打火機) is also important. Here is the food ingredients list prepared by my family: 牛肉 = beef 豬肉片 = pork slices 生萵苣 = raw lettuce 香腸 = Taiwanese sausage 小熱狗 = little hot dog 甜不辣 = tián bú là 魷魚 = squid 干貝 = scallop 蝦子 = shrimp 蛤蜊 = clam 豬血糕 = zhū xiě gāo = pig's blood cake 棉花糖 = marshmallow 貢丸 = gòng wán = pork ball 魚丸 = yú wán = fish ball 豆干 = dòu gān 金針菇 = jīn zhēn gū = enoki = enokitake 玉米 = corn 玉米筍 = baby corn Some of the ingredients are already boiled (e.g. sausage, little hot dog, pig's blood cake). My aunt also provided cooked vegetable and rice. Some drinks and fruits: 茶 = tea 蘋果西打 = Apple Sidra 黑松沙士 = HeySong Sarsaparilla Some fruits: 蘋果 = apple 水梨 = Taiwanese pea