
目前顯示的是 9月, 2021的文章



最近做了健康檢查,以下是快速筆記: 繳交糞檢 尿檢 血液 (裝成三瓶) 心臟 (貼至少十個貼片,然後分別連接上管子) X光 (正面、側面) 肛門 身高和體重、體脂肪和骨頭密度等等、視力、辨色力、眼壓 照胃鏡前 (右手注射葡萄糖並留著注射器、喝胃乳、嘴巴噴麻藥兩次:一次先吞下去、之後含一下吞下去、側躺在闖上戴上呼吸器、右手注射麻藥時痛痛的)

鬼金棒拉麵 (台北 捷運中山站) Karashibi Miso Ramen Kikanbo

這家位於捷運中山站附近的「カラシビ味噌らー麺鬼金棒」( Karashibi Miso Ramen Kikanbo) 是我朋友介紹給我認識的,我覺得很讚,尤其是麻痺感! 我有一次去吃,因為不想吃「辣」就選擇只加「麻」。 而現在因為疫情,有一段時間都沒有再去造訪。 此外,我也還沒吃過這一家的沾麵~ mala (麻辣) = numb (麻) + spicy / hot (辣) 拉麵店的大門口,沾麵在另一側 七味是哪七味? (而「信州」似乎是「長野縣」的意思) 可以選擇麻辣等級

買了螢幕架、筆電架、鍵盤架、辦公椅來改善居家辦公環境 (2021.09.12 更新)

從以前因為愛玩電腦加上後來專業技能及工作上使用的工具都是以電腦為主,久坐或姿勢不良所造成的身體問題一直是我想要解決的部分。 而最近因為在家上班,因此更有需求來改造我的電腦桌面兼書桌 (2021.05.16 開始改造)。由於會有一筆不小的花費,加上得以長遠來看待,所以我要求新物件要盡量滿足以下條件: 可攜 (裝拆容易) 可移動 (不阻擋其他書、資料夾和桌子空間) 可站立工作 (對於久坐,站著很重要。這點也跟上面那點有點類似) 可調高 (符合坐姿、脖子和頭部、視角) 可配合筆電 後來我買了雷米系列的電腦架、鍵盤架。電腦架有點像一般醫院醫生使用的那種,但我是以筆電為電腦主機,螢幕為擴增,所以電腦價的主枝幹分支出一個螢幕架、一個筆電架。鍵盤架則配合我最近剛買附有扶手的辦公椅,讓我的手臂有支撐以減少痠痛。 站著工作也是可以方法之一,雷米也有賣站著工作用的設備,不過因為家裡有很多家具,我先沒有買來用。可替換的方法就是把筆電拿到一些像是書櫃等比較高的位置來讓我站著使用。

Me After COVID-19 Vaccination 疫苗筆記 (2022.02.18 Updated)

2021.09.11 Due to the COVID-19, I went to inject Oxford-AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine, which is the first dose for me, in the clinic with my mom today. After the vaccination at about 15:30, I was told to wait for 15 minutes to observe there was a discomfort by the nurses. I also told my mom to wait outside for preventing gathering, because there were lots of people in the clinic. After a few minutes, I got a COVID-19 Vaccination Record. About 15 minutes later, we go to the nearby pharmacy to buy some Panadol (普拿疼) caplets. When the side effects come, it could treat fever and pain. Why I choose AZ? For me, I could choose inoculate Medigen (高端) vaccine few weeks ago, but I am not sure if Medigen vaccinated people could successfully entry other countries. In my opinion, the AZ vaccinated people could have more chance to entry other countries. There are some brands of vaccine could be inoculated in Taiwan, like AZ, Pfizer–BioNTech (BNT), Medigen, Moderna (莫德納). Maybe we could get United Biomedi

米象飼養記 (Rearing Rice Weevil)

把米象養置一段時間後,大約於8月29日拿起來看時發現牠似乎已經僵硬,大概是掛了... 從一開始養到後來,牠有明顯變得稍微大些,但我沒有仔細測量單位。 我之前把牠養在一個小小的觀察昆蟲用的透明圓柱盒,裡面丟幾顆米。不知道確切掛掉的時間是多少。因為因應米象喜好陰暗的環境,我都把觀察盒用小紙盒罩著。 一開始沒用紙盒罩著的時候我會發現他一直想觀察盒上面跑,我有想過是不是缺乏氧氣?最近我也有好幾天沒有翻開來看,沒想到一翻開來就是僵硬樣。 從我上次寫 米裡面飛出米蟲 這篇文章的2021.02.23開始,大概養了六個月,跟網路上查到的壽命長度查不多。 On 2021.08.29, I found the rice weevil is dead. I've fed the rice weevil for about six months. It was apparently getting bigger when I saved it from the rice washing. But having no idea what's the precise size it grew, because I didn't measure. The rearing environment was only a small transparent cylinder box, I also put some raw rice in it. After few months, I put little paper box on it, because it like the darker environment. I had never opened the rearing box for some times, don't know how much the fresh air it need, either...