
目前顯示的是 9月, 2020的文章



最近做了健康檢查,以下是快速筆記: 繳交糞檢 尿檢 血液 (裝成三瓶) 心臟 (貼至少十個貼片,然後分別連接上管子) X光 (正面、側面) 肛門 身高和體重、體脂肪和骨頭密度等等、視力、辨色力、眼壓 照胃鏡前 (右手注射葡萄糖並留著注射器、喝胃乳、嘴巴噴麻藥兩次:一次先吞下去、之後含一下吞下去、側躺在闖上戴上呼吸器、右手注射麻藥時痛痛的)

A new day to work! (Update 2020.10.09)

A new day to work as intern in the new specialized working area. Some buildings in the left of the picture: (The stepped building in the front) TICC = Taipei International Convention Center (The left building) TWTCITB = Taipei World Trade Center International Trade Building (Couldn't see this) TWTC = Taipei World Trade Center (The tallest building in the middle) Taipei 101

The best sandals I've ever worn! 我目前穿過最好的涼鞋 (2022.07.25 Updated)

My Teva sandals are almost over 7 years. The shoes' soles are not slippery and I also sometimes use it when running or parkouring.  I wear classic Taiwan's blue-and-white slipper for the replacement if the rain comes up. Because if my Teva shoes will be poured by the rain, it smells not good. When raining, I sometimes also wear the Crocs clogs. But while walking pass through the arcades' (騎樓) grounds in Taiwan are so slipper. Especially if there is some oil over it. At first, my mom bought this shoes for me (Thanks Mom <3). I thought the insoles are not comfortable to me. Forgetting how long, I get used to it...lol BTW, The name of the sandals' parts are in this picture ↓ (Source: https://www.globalsources.com/gsol/I/Mens-sandals/a/9000000121559.htm ) - - - 2022.07.25 Updated - - - 幾個禮拜前,我這雙涼鞋左腳的底剝落,我拿去鞋店修,底部 600元 + 邊黏膠保留 150元 (新台幣)。結果鞋底換了一個新後,穿起來變重了... 掰掰了,原本的超棒鞋底,看來我得習慣修理後的穿著感了!

Organized my Chrome's bookmarks

 Recently, I've organized my Chrome's bookmarks. It took almost one whole day, still not finished yet... This is one of the part ↓


I've been searched for a while today for the 2D object orbital motion. In the beginning, I didn't know the keyword is "orbit" (I searched the related thing in Chinese called "沿著圓形移動"). Until using the correct keyword and found this video. My new game project is in 2D, so the code I modified is like this: transform.RotateAround(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3.back, 20 * Time.deltaTime) The official document is here: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Transform.RotateAround.html