學位 英文 縮寫
- 學位的英文縮寫太多了,我常常搞不清楚,於是自己來整理一個
- 每個國家的學位都不完全相同
- ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) 負責定義國際的學位,是由聯合國教科文組織 (UNESCO) 負責的
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Associate (專科 / 副學士)
AA = Associate of Arts
AS = Associate of Science
Bachelor (學士)
BA / AB = Bachelor of Arts
BS = Associate of Science
Master (碩士)
MA = Master of Arts
MS = Master of Science
MEng = Master of Engineering
MSW = Maser of Social Work
MBA = Master of Business Administration
LLM = Master of Laws
Doctorate degree (博士)
PhD = Doctor of Philosophy
EdD = Doctor of Education
SJD / JSD = Doctor of Juridical Science
MD–PhD = Doctorate of Medicine and of Philosophy
Professional school degree
MD = Doctor of Medicine
DDS = Doctor of Dental Surgery
DMD = Doctor of Dental Medicine
DVM = Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
LLB = The Bachelor of Laws
JD = Juris Doctor / Doctor of Laws
doctor = 博士 (擁有博士學位的人)
doctorate = 博士學位
- 取得連結
- X
- 以電子郵件傳送
- 其他應用程式