

最近做了健康檢查,以下是快速筆記: 繳交糞檢 尿檢 血液 (裝成三瓶) 心臟 (貼至少十個貼片,然後分別連接上管子) X光 (正面、側面) 肛門 身高和體重、體脂肪和骨頭密度等等、視力、辨色力、眼壓 照胃鏡前 (右手注射葡萄糖並留著注射器、喝胃乳、嘴巴噴麻藥兩次:一次先吞下去、之後含一下吞下去、側躺在闖上戴上呼吸器、右手注射麻藥時痛痛的)

Work as a photography assistant & Uncle Laymen & Xinyi Shopping District & 南方漁場

2020.10.08, I work as a photography assistant in the building of Importers & Exporters Association of Taipei (IEAT) (台北市進出口商業同業公會). The photography is a new working field for me. I feel inadequate in this field. Must learn more domain knowledge!

When finishing the job, I went to Uncle Laymen (雷蒙叔叔) for dinner.

Bruce Lee & ...

Bruce Lee & 5 para el infierno & ...

Audrey Hepburn

The Godfather & Michael Jackson

Uncle Laymen!!

Courage the Cowardly Dog (膽小狗英雄)


Xingtian Temple (行天宮)

Few days ago, I also worked at the Taiwan Bubble Tea Forum in TICC.

After the forum is end, I walked through the Xinyi Shopping District.

This day, my goal is Nán Fāng Yú Chǎng (南方漁場), the restaurant provides Japanese cuisine. I like their food very much, especially the miso soup. Since over a year ago, I still have highly recommend the miso soup!



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