

最近做了健康檢查,以下是快速筆記: 繳交糞檢 尿檢 血液 (裝成三瓶) 心臟 (貼至少十個貼片,然後分別連接上管子) X光 (正面、側面) 肛門 身高和體重、體脂肪和骨頭密度等等、視力、辨色力、眼壓 照胃鏡前 (右手注射葡萄糖並留著注射器、喝胃乳、嘴巴噴麻藥兩次:一次先吞下去、之後含一下吞下去、側躺在闖上戴上呼吸器、右手注射麻藥時痛痛的)

Chinese Moon Festival Note 烤肉筆記 (Update 2021.12.27)

2020/10/1 & 10/2 → My family chose these days for BBQ.

Last year, I went to Tokyo with my family member, so we didn't attend the annual BBQ party. What a shame! This year, I found the mini handheld fan (手持風扇) is more useful than the paper fan when we start to make the fire, and the lengthened lighter (長嘴打火機) is also important.

Here is the food ingredients list prepared by my family:

牛肉 = beef

豬肉片 = pork slices

生萵苣 = raw lettuce

香腸 = Taiwanese sausage

小熱狗 = little hot dog

甜不辣 = tián bú là

魷魚 = squid

干貝 = scallop

蝦子 = shrimp

蛤蜊 = clam

豬血糕 = zhū xiě gāo = pig's blood cake

棉花糖 = marshmallow

貢丸 = gòng wán = pork ball

魚丸 = yú wán = fish ball

豆干 = dòu gān

金針菇 = jīn zhēn gū = enoki = enokitake

玉米 = corn

玉米筍 = baby corn

Some of the ingredients are already boiled (e.g. sausage, little hot dog, pig's blood cake). My aunt also provided cooked vegetable and rice.

Some drinks and fruits:

茶 = tea

蘋果西打 = Apple Sidra

黑松沙士 = HeySong Sarsaparilla

Some fruits:

蘋果 = apple

水梨 = Taiwanese pear

小番茄 = cherry tomato


玫瑰鹽 = rose salt

胡椒鹽 = pepper salt

辣椒粉 = chili powder

奶油 = butter

I also had some of these from my relatives:

魚 = fish

牡蠣 = oyster

月亮蝦餅 = moon shrimp cake

雞心 = chicken's heart

豆角 = dòu jiǎo

檸檬汁 = lemon juice

冷萃茶 = cold brewed tea

- - -

When BBQing, Less-garbage-produced is the goal I want to reach.

Like this: 中秋節烤肉可以零垃圾嗎?無塑烤肉指南 (Zero garbage and trash of BBQ guide from

furthermore, make the bamboo sticks more safe when we abandoned them.

(Also use less of them.)

In my university life, I remember I attended the BBQ events of the departmental society (Department of Information Management) twice. The most wasting thing I think is we regard BBQ grill as a waste. BBQ time with my friends is happy, I felt vexed by environmental protection issue, either. Maybe I could suggest them buy some portable BBQ grills or this:

One time, I went to Tiehua Village (鐵花村) with my family, I saw the BBQ restaurant called "烤大爺" (Mr. Cow). Their grill is so amazing and blow my mind because they don't have smoke problem when BBQing. The description board said they use infrared upright grill and the oil could drop on the water tray.

Why we always coal for BBQ. We could use the others, like infrared grill or electric baking pan.
(Uncle Roger: says he likes



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